Why Does My Cat Cry Out For Me In My Home?

why does my cat cry out for me in my home?

Our cats are our babies; there’s no doubt about it. And while we didn’t give birth to our feline friends, we often view them as our kids when they enter their lives. And no matter how long you’ve had your cat, it can trigger worry when you think something might be amiss. If you wonder why your cat is crying out for you in your home, you’re certainly not alone. Our feline friends can do this for a few reasons. So, keep reading so that you can better understand what’s going on inside that mind of theirs when your cat exhibits this behavior.

Is your cat crying out for you in the night? Well, that’s because they might not realize you’re still there…

Your cat’s concept of time and memory differs from yours. We often joke that our cat has a rigid internal clock that relates to their feeding schedule, and it’s why your cat might choose not to allow you to sleep in on the weekends if they’re accustomed to being fed when the sun comes up. When we fall asleep, we might be a tad disoriented when we arise if we’ve had a tough sleep—or an extra glass of wine before bed. Your feline friend isn’t going to wake up with a catnip hangover, but they might be a tad confused and not know whether or not you are home and cry out as a way to look for you. Think about it like this: when little kids wake in the night, they’ll often seek out their parents in their home to comfort them so they can fall back asleep. While your feline friend might sometimes make you feel as if you are their humble servant, on more occasions than not, they seek you out in the ways of the mighty meow so that they can locate you. And they do this because you bring them comfort, peace, and companionship—aww! Have you ever wondered what is that cat’s dream about? Find out the answer to that question here on cattitudedaily.com. 

why does my cat cry out for me?

Human, something’s wrong!

Some cats are naturally more vocal than others, and many factors can play into that. For a Siamese cat, calling out to you in their home wouldn’t be viewed as uncommon, as these cats are known for being total chatterboxes. Remember, though, that meowing and yowling are two different things. Cats are known to suffer in silence, and oftentimes, a cat goes in to see their vet routinely only to find that something is ailing them once the condition has advanced. Although they can be dramatic—especially when it comes to food—cats are rather stoic beings. If your once quiet kitty is suddenly super vocal, pay attention to those red flags if this occurs regularly. For more on typical cat sounds and their meanings, click here. 

Hello, please pay attention to me!

Cats are often portrayed as loners, but that is far from the truth. Cats enjoy your company and want to have you around, even if you must worship them from afar. When your cat is calling out to you and waking you up at 3 AM for what appears to be no apparent reason, ask yourself why this may be happening. And the first thing to think about is how much time your cat spends alone each day. Cats can and will get lonely, and crying out to you in your home is a way for them to express their loneliness. If you want to help your cat to combat their loneliness and have the means to do so, consider getting another cat. This way, your cat won’t feel lonely when you aren’t away—and you might get more shuteye.

Age can be a factor if your cat is crying out to you.

As cats age, enrichment is essential to keep their minds sharp and healthy. But even if you are offering your cat much-desired/needed mental stimulation, disorientation is normal and to be expected in senior cats. Cognitive dysfunction in senior cats means that they can quickly become disoriented and cry out for what appears to be no apparent reason. There are things you can implement to help your cat cope and make life easier for your senior cat.

Did you learn anything new and interesting about our feline friends? Please share this article with other cat lovers you know so they can learn something, too.

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