Our feline friends make lots of interesting sounds. Believe it or not, your cat can make over 100 distinct sounds—which...
Cats will be cats—but sometimes they will do things that really make our minds curious about their actions. This is especially true when they exhibit behaviors that are out of…
Our feline friends do lots of cute little things that make us smile. We love them for the multitude of...
Of the many cute cat behaviors, cat owners have often polled the internet to discover why it is that cats curl their paws.
Cats display lots of interesting behaviors that pique our interest. We love to watch them scurry frantically across the house, see them channel their inner tiger as they slay the…
When we welcome a cat into our life, we do not always know their past. And for cats, their memories are sharp and not as forgiving as compared to a…
One of the greatest things about cats (besides the love, purrs, and jellybean toes), is their self-sufficiency. You can go out to dinner without worrying about them destroying your house,…
Cats do many things that make our minds wonder, “What the heck are they thinking!?” One of these crazy cat...
Feline experts are not fond of the term “love bite” when it comes to the nips cats sometimes give during petting or play. The behavior indicates the cat is overstimulated,…
There are many emotions that cats can feel, and jealousy is certainly one of them. We know that cats are...
Dogs aren’t the only ones who have been caught with their tails between their teeth. Seeing a cat chase their...
Like people, no two cats will ever be exactly the same. Cats can certainly share similar traits to other cats....