All cats are cool, it’s just part of their effortless charm. But there are some cats out there who are all that and a bag of chips thanks to their super cool fur and piercing eyes. We are all cat lovers here, but I’m a big lover of all animals, too. And you know what other animal is crazy cute? A fox! Now, imagine a cat that looks kinda like a fox. With that same signature reddish-orange coat and that sly fox persona, too. Everyone, meet Errol the Somali cat who looks almost as if he’s a real-life feline fox!
Cat??? Or…
Errol the Somali cat lives in Reading, England with his humans and two other felines you just might recognize…
Errol not only loves to pose for the camera, but he’s playful and silly, too! His owners claim that he’s quite the little troublemaker…
I could look at photos of this orange cutie pie all day long!
Errol as a kitten was seriously cuteness overload! And for those who are curious, he was born in April 2018. His name comes from a fictional character in the Terry Pratchett’s Guards! Guards! book series. Errol is apparently a tiny but explosive dragon. Seems to suit him well!
And since he looks so much like a cat-fox, he’s constantly channeling his inner fox for the camera…
It seems that Errol has some big shoes to fill, too, with his cat sisters from other misters, the famous Xafi & Auri Russian Blue cats with matching eyes!
Errol is always ready for his close-up, too. Or super close-up that is!
The Somali cat breed is essentially a long-haired version of the Abyssinian cat breed, and the recessive gene is found to produce long-hair which gives cats of this breed a fox-like look. Somali cats can also come in different shades just as Abyssinian cats can, too.
Just like this silver one below:
Can’t get enough of this foxy feline? Keep up with him on Instagram by following him here. If you’d like to learn more about this foxy kitty, visit this section here on his cat sisters’ website.
All Images Courtesy of Errol the Somali Cat on Instagram