This article details how toxoplasmosis is treated in cats, how it’s transmitted to humans, and what you can do to protect you and your pet against it.
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Interaction with Human
Cats can tell human pregnancies by noticing changes to their pet owners’ body odor, temperature, and behavior. They also hear the unborn baby’s heartbeat.
Exercise is essential for all cats. These six cat toys encourage exercise and play for bored indoor cats and outdoor cats prone to hunting live prey.
If you're a first-time cat owner, you may not know there are signs and signals from your cat, communicating their thoughts or needs. Can you communi-CAT?
Living with a cat is an undoubtedly rewarding experience. Nevertheless, there will be times when you have to navigate some...
We all love our cats, but it’s okay to admit that you are sometimes bothered by the smell. I recently...
About 25% of households in the U.S. have a cat. In addition to this pet ownership, a good portion of...
Cats can be helpful little garden assistants when they’re chasing away pests and keeping you company. They can protect your...
Most cats are comfortable with familiar spaces and prefer spending time in environments they’re used to. Unfortunately, that can make...
When most people associate a pet with the great outdoors, it’s usually dogs. Cats and camping might not seem to...
If you live in a world where your houseplants and succulents are your babies, you most likely have a snake...
Your cat may protest, but it’s crucial to make those regular trips to the veterinarian. A survey on US resident...