You have to admit, cats are pretty good at hiding. Sometimes it’s totally unintentional, but then there are other times when you wonder if they know exactly how clever they’ve become. Do you like looking at cool camouflage cats? Well, then you’re in luck, cat lover!
We’ve got a fun collection of camouflage cats for you to enjoy—and don’t forget to share these with your cat lover friends. 🙂
This cute tuxie blends right in!
What a lovely row of black kitties!
This chair is the purrfect hiding place!
Wonder what came first: the couch or the cat? So matchy-matchy!
Such long legs you have, kitty!
This camouflage cat almost looks like a mythical creature!
This tortie looks just like fall leaves!
This white baby blends right in!
The wood floor makes for the purrfect ginger tabby cat ninja!
Careful not to put your foot in that slipper!
This camo cat is a pro!
Only a cat is perfect enough to compliment such a bold color combo!
Meow, meow, meow, MEOW, meow, meow, meow, MEOW!
Wait, is there a kitty on that tree?!
Monkey see, monkey do!
This kitten is well on their way to becoming a camouflage cat ninja master!
This is a next level camouflage ninja cat right here!
Definitely do not throw that cat log into the fire!
This tortie just pops out at you against that flooring!
Watch your step—literally!
Does your cat love to pretend to be a camouflage cat, too? Share their camo cat photos with us!