Meet Ziggy-Kai: A Cool Rescue Cat With Even Cooler Spots

I could look at images of cats all day long. Whether they have spots, stripes, patches, or solid coats, cats all over the world captivate us cat lovers with their effortless beauty. When scrolling through my Tuxedo Cat Lovers group on Facebook the other day, I came across the most wonderful sight in the form of a purrfectly spotted black and white kitty cat.

Also referred to as “cow cats” by some cat lovers, Ziggy, AKA Ziggy-Kai, is a rescued kitty cat who immediately grabs your attention thanks to his eye-catching coat pattern. I caught up with his cat mama to see if I could feature this dazzlingly dapper cat dude on my website, and thankfully she agreed!

So, without further ado, I give you Ziggy-Kai, a rescue cat with super cool spots you’ll be sure to love!

He and his cat mom reside in sunny Seal Beach, California, and when he’s not busy catching rays and demanding attention, he’s always ready to pose! Keep reading to learn all about this uniquely handsome feline.

How did Ziggy-Kai come into your life?

I got Ziggy February 2020 out of the Huntington Beach Humane Society. I looked for about three months to find a rescue kitty and I really wanted a black and white tuxedo kitty, because I had one before. His name was Buddy, and I loved that cat. He lived till he was about 14.

How did your kitty get his name?

So, at first Ziggy‘s first name was Marily, but it didn’t fit him and I kept trying to wonder what name should I give him. I came up with Ziggy because of his zigzag lightning bolts on both of his legs and Kai means “ocean” so I thought Z Kai would be a great name.

What is his personality like?

He’s not shy at all and he’s very outgoing. He loves to look at the birds in my patio; I have trained him to be on a leash so we take walks and he can also chill. And when he knows that I’m sad, he comes right by my side and looks right in my face. I love this cat.

What are his favorite hobbies?

Some of his favorite activities that he loves are playing with strings and little tiny fuzzballs, and he can fetch and he brings it right back to me in and I throw it. He loves attention and all my friends and clients to come over to my house. They just love him and he’s super, super sweet and special and kind of annoying at times because he wants to be the center of attention…

What’s something special you’d like people to know about Ziggy-Kai?

One of the most special things that he does, he enjoys taking showers and shampooing his hair and he loves to be by me continuously, but I let them take a shower once a week with him and he’s a pretty funny guy.

As soon as somebody walks in the door, he flops on their feet…He’s the best kid I ever had.

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