Meet Iriss And Abyss: Rare Twin Sister Cats With Heterochromia

Sometimes in life, things are better in pairs. Just ask Iriss and Abyss! These are two white twin sister cats that are so strikingly similar, they even have matching heterochromia. The two female felines from Saint-Petersburg, Russia are actually mixed breed cats and truly “one in a million” their devoted cat dad says.

Iriss and Abyss
Iriss and Abyss as kittens

The four-year-old sister cats have grown an impressive fan base online since their cat dad started sharing their images online a few years ago. And it’s easy to see why, the two gals are simply gorgeous! Shortly after coming into their human’s life at 3 months of age, Iriss and Abyss began catching the attention of cat lovers worldwide.

As you can clearly see, these matching cuties simply love the camera, too.

Iriss and AbyssIriss and Abyss

Cat lovers often ask about what cat breed Iriss and Abyss are, so their cat dad shared details on their Sis Twins Instagram back in May 2016:

“Many people confuse us with angoras, turkish van and other breeds. But we have to disappoint you. There’s such a term “metis” or “crossbred”. And this is a miracle of Мother nature, that we are to blond twin sisters with heterochromia. Our mother is white cat, and father is black and white cat.

All the pure breeds are the results of generic selection. But the fact, that we have no distinct breed, and got all these fantastic features is truly amazing! Such a chance is one in a million! And we feel so blessed, that we’ve got that chance!”

Iriss and Abyss

These odd-eyed cuties have 203k fans and counting on Instagram, and many love them for their effortless beauty and the way that they always seem like the very best of friends. One thing is certain, these Moscow-born kitties have a cat dad that treats them just like the little princesses that they are.

Iriss and Abyss

Want to see even more odd-eyed cuties? Check out this purrfect gallery of odd-eyed felines here on Cattitude Daily. And don’t forget to check out Olive, the super rare kitty with sectoral heterochromia.

Oddity Olive

Can’t get enough of Iriss and Abyss? Follow these lovely ladies on Instagram at Sis.Twins so you can get your daily fix of their rare beauty.

Learn more about white cats and heterochromia on the Cattitude Daily YouTube Channel!

All Images Courtesy of Sis.Twins on Instagram

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