We know that cats are finicky beings, and if one thing is certain about cats, it’s that no two cats will ever be the same. Cats are individuals by nature, and some cats quickly make their mark regarding their favorite person. If you are your cat’s chosen one, you may have sometimes wondered to yourself, “Why is my cat so possessive of me?” And that’s a totally normal question to ponder if your cat in question makes it fiercely known that you are theirs…and theirs alone.
If your cat is possessive, there could be a few reasons for it. Keep reading to find out what they are…
First, it’s important to understand what’s healthy and what’s not.
If your cat isn’t a fan of your significant other but is all about you, jealousy might be to blame. Cats, like humans, can get jealous if they’re insecure. And this can be especially triggered if your cat has recently endured change. If there’s one thing that we know about cats, it’s that they’re not fans of change. Should a change occur, your cat can react accordingly to how they feel.
For instance: let’s say your significant other and you just took the next step in your relationship and the two of you have decided to move in together. While this is totally exciting, your cat might be less than thrilled about the new addition to their living quarters. Or, let’s say you’ve just welcomed a new family member into your home—either a human baby or a new kitten/puppy. Well, that can certainly trigger some insecurities and frustration inside your cat’s mind. And, because of it, they might react by becoming possessive over you.
Kitty doesn’t like to share
Have you ever met an only child that you thought was a total brat? Perhaps they didn’t understand the concept of sharing—whether that was a person or a toy. Well, cats can be this way, too. If your cat is an only cat and they’re possessive of you, it’s likely because they’ve never had to share your time or attention with anyone else before.
If your cat is feeling insecure, they can show you this by claiming you as theirs in front of others. (And dogs can do this, too.) Reassure your cat and praise them, because a confident kitty is much less likely to become overly possessive.
They perceive others as a threat
Sometimes when you are your cat’s person, things are this way because of your cat’s past. And, of course, this is not their fault. Cats who have come from abusive or neglectful situations can be untrusting of humans—and for good reason. This “threat” in your cat’s mind can also come as a result of another pet in the home that is vying for your attention and affection.
Have you ever greeted one of your cats only to have your possessive cat run up on you and demand your affection? Cats will sometimes do this because you are the center of their universe and they want to know that the feeling is mutual. If you have a clingy cat in your life, then chances are that this clingy cat of yours is quite possessive, too.
Interesting fact on cat jealousy: If your cat was poorly socialized as a kitten, this could lead to a cat that easily becomes codependent on you and displays signs of jealousy often.
How do cats show jealousy?
There are several signs of jealousy in cats. Some of the most common signs of feline jealousy include:
- Swatting
- Hissing
- Growling
- Biting
- Unprovoked attacks, particularly to the person or thing that triggers their newfound jealousy
- Hiding
Tips for managing a possessive feline
Our cat’s well-being is important. But it’s also important for your cat to be confident. Work to grow their confidence so that they won’t feel the need to be so possessive with you. The reason for your cat’s desire to be possessive over you is essentially because they are bonded to you. You make them feel good, keep them calm, and allow them to feel loved.
Talking to your cat has many benefits, and it’s a great way to build confidence in your cat, too. Also, if you can, the times when your cat is demanding your attention, give it to them! Cats are incredibly sensitive beings that get their feelings hurt easily. So, don’t let that tough exterior fool you. If your cat is possessive over you, and it’s not causing a threat to anyone else in your home, then it can be easily managed by building confidence in your cat.
If it is causing issues, try providing your finicky feline with a safe space in your home that is theirs and theirs alone. This will help them to feel calmer and less jealous if they have their own place to retreat away from others.