For centuries, humans and cats have had a long and rich association with each other. While many assume that domestication began with the ancient Egyptians nearly 4000 years ago, recent archaeological discoveries have dated feline DNA back as far as 12,000 B.C.
With genetic revelations moving far beyond Egypt, archaeologists and feline experts now theorize that wildcats and humans began living side by side in the Middle East’s Fertile Crescent region, where agricultural civilizations popped up along the Tigris/Euphrates river. These stationary civilizations attracted rodents, which in turn attracted felines. A study involving 79 house cats and their genetic makeup pointed to a common descendant in West Africa known as Felis sylvestris lybica, or “cat of the woods.”
Feline Movement And Evolution
As the relationship between cats and humans evolved, their movement to different parts of the planet necessitated ongoing and mutually-beneficial relationships. Christopher Columbus is credited for transporting the first domestic cat to the New World via his exploration endeavors. These cats were predecessors to the domestic shorthair that is so popular in American homes today. The slow but steady evolution of the wildcat into a furry companion took place as people started to welcome nearly-effortless rodent control in their homes.
With processes of natural evolution taking place due to climate and environmental conditions, various breeds of cats began to pop up across the globe. Those found in dense Northern forests developed an undercoat topped with glossy layers of lush, long fur. Cats on Africa’s hot, arid plains retained sleek bodies and short coats, allowing them to streak across the desert in search of food.
As long as cats have been companions to humans, there have been those who wished to blend the best of domesticated and wild, retaining the best qualities of each as they attempted to breed standard with exotic-looking varieties. An extensive process of trial and error has produced some truly magnificent-looking cat creatures, such as the Bengal cat and the mackerel. Today, our options for cat companionship are as varied as the felines that feast on our imaginative whimsy, and we have more options than ever for adding to our furry families and finding the best fit for us.
Life is more enjoyable and rewarding with cat companions. If you’re after this type of companionship from a furry friend, one breed worth considering is the Toyger. The Toyger is a medium-sized cat that blends the docile, quiet nature of a domesticated housecat with the beautiful physical characteristics of its wild cousin, the tiger. The unique mash-up of wild and domesticated will be a source of fascination and scintillating conversation among your friends and family members who behold your new family addition.
The appearance of a Toyger gives the impression that this tiny tiger could pounce at any time. Despite its fierce appearance and graceful jungle gait, this pint-sized cuddler will playfully light up your days and snuggle with your family members at night.
The Toyger: The Perfect Blend of Exotic And Domestic
The Toyger cat is the newest cat breed to enter our homes. The Toyger is considered a “designer” cat bred specifically for its physical features, much like the Bengal and Savannah cats. Its markings and coloring resemble a large cousin, the wild tiger, but it is an entirely-domesticated animal.
The word “Toyger” is a play on the words “toy” and “tiger,” a nod to its size and distinctive markings. Since its breeding and development, the Toyger has risen steadily in popularity. People jump at the chance to own what looks like a miniature tiger and enter the world of designer cat ownership.
Origins Of The Toyger
Exotic breeder Judy Sugden can be credited with the development of the Toyger. She began tinkering with the breed in 1980, having accumulated quite a bit of experience and knowledge from her mother, Jean Mill, the original breeder and designer of the Bengal cat.
Mill’s successful cross-breed of the domestic shorthair and the Asian leopard cat-inspired Sugden to carve out her unique pathway in the world of cat breeding. She began working with the brown mackerel tabby, which is noted for its tiger-like stripes and trademark “M” on the forehead. She piloted her own breeding program with a big-boned Bengal named Millwood Rumpled Spotskin and Scrapmetal, a short-haired tabby cat. Bringing in elements from exotic cats as far away as Kashmir, India, she continued tweaking as she envisioned the development of the perfect toy tiger.
Judy Sudgen brought in Anthony Hutcherson and Alice McKee in 1993 to help her realize her vision. Their work in perfecting the Toyger cat breed allowed for its recognition by the International Cat Association. The Toyger is newly listed as a championship breed by both the International Cat Association and the Toyger Cat Society, which Sugden founded. Because of its relatively “new” status, it can be challenging to find breeders knowledgeable enough to provide accurate breed information for the cat. Still, with a solid foundation in research and development, the future looks bright for its continued breeding and distribution to passionate feline families worldwide.
Unique Attributes Of The Toyger
The Toyger may look fierce and wild at first glance, but its sweet, snuggly personality casts off any reservations about welcoming a big cat into your home.
Physical Characteristics
Bold stripes stand in stark contrast to a deep golden color, and as this magnificent animal struts around your home, you’ll liken it to having royal representation on your property. Toygers were bred to look like miniature tigers and take on the unique musculature and physical attributes of their jungle cousins.
The Toyger trademark stripes very closely resemble that of a tiger, with circular markings settling deep between the ears on the crown of the head. Shorter legs may not be in keeping with other wild/domesticated breeds, but stocky paws and long toes help to provide the stability and agility that these cats are known for.
Toygers possess beautiful, rounded eyes that are hazel to deep brown in color, and a broad-based nose and wide cheek composition complete the slightly-exotic look that any cat owner would be proud of.
Personality Traits And Temperament
With their natural beauty and grace, Toygers take on an extremely friendly and affectionate personality. They are an excellent addition to any family, demonstrating outgoing personalities and a penchant for picking favorite humans.
Toygers are highly intelligent, and their ability to learn routines quickly makes training a breeze. The Toyger is ready to take on any physical or mental challenge given to him, and they thrive on stimulation that sharpens their already quick-witted nature. This rare breed can be taught how to walk using a leash, perform tricks, and even participate in agility competitions.
Energy Level
Provide plenty of stimulation and playtime to communicate a solid place within your family structure. Be warned, though: if left alone for too long, these cats may get mischievous. The Toyger would much rather engage in meaningful play and stimulation with you, his loving family, than be left to his own devices.
Family Relationships
With their extroverted, easygoing personalities, Toygers make the perfect pets for families with young children and other pets, including dogs. Quick on their feet, they know when to scoot away from scrambling jaws or loud and boisterous kiddos. Even though they fit well into chaotic family life, you should supervise their interactions with young children, especially kids under five, until you’re confident they can act appropriately. Keeping a close eye on cat/dog and pet/child relationships as they develop is critical to setting up a social hierarchy that works in your household.
Caring For A Toyger
Thankfully, caring for a Toyger kitten is much safer than its wild counterpart. It’s important to brush Toygers weekly to retain a glossy sheen on their unique coat and markings. As with all domesticated cats, cleaning their ears and teeth regularly will help avoid additional health complications. Trim nails periodically to prevent health issues and injuries to family members who indulge in vigorous play sessions.
Toygers are very adaptable to all types of home environments, and they do particularly well when exposed to other pets and young children. They are highly intelligent, many of them learning to use an indoor toilet or walk on a leash with ease. Even though some of these traits resemble that of their canine pals, Toygers retain their penchant for snuggling up to you at the end of a long and busy day, content to cuddle. Known as a more social breed, the Toyger will require lots of physical and mental stimulation. It’s a win-win, though, as more interactions will only build relationships with you and your family.
Due to their hefty price tag and “designer” breed status, the Toyger should not be allowed to fraternize with just any street cat. Most Toyger owners prefer their highly-prized pets to stay indoors, rather than leaving them prone to fights, predators, infections, and even thieves who may attempt to sell for profit. Set up an indoor gym specifically for your furry feline and see how much the whole family will enjoy his graceful and somewhat-mischievous antics.
Feeding A Toyger
Even though Toygers don’t have any special dietary restrictions, they do need to stick to a regular feeding schedule to avoid stomach upset. Changing a Toyger kitten’s diet is possible, but it should be done gradually to avoid digestive upset and possible allergies to ingredients that may present themselves. Setting a Toyger kitten up for success as they learn proper eating habits will be essential for protecting their health as they age.
While adult Toygers are not known to be fussy about food, they should still be given the same high-quality, protein-rich fare you’d consider feeding a growing kitten, minus a few calories. Talk to your veterinarian to create an acceptable feeding schedule and keep an eye on intake. Any deviation from the norm that results in weight gain can have significant health consequences later.
Potential Health Concerns
All cats have the potential to develop genetic abnormalities and succumb to environmental factors that result in health issues. The Toyger breed is predisposed to developing a heart condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This issue results in the heart developing a murmur that should not impact long-term health, but owners should pay attention to their cats’ activity levels.
Other health issues Toygers may experience include compromised kidney function, progressive retinal atrophy, and reduced milk production in females, which may impact litter health. Keep your kittens and cats on a regular care schedule that includes physical assessment, dental care, and regular evaluation to keep them in tip-top shape.
Cost Of Care
Adding a Toyger to your family is a significant expense. A well-bred, pedigreed kitten can cost anywhere from $1200-$3000, depending on the lineage of the cat.
Be sure to factor in food, supplies, and vet visits as a regular part of care as well. Most Toyger owners report expenses of around $100 per month for food, toys, and grooming supplies needed to keep their pets happy and healthy.
With the average cost of an uninsured veterinary office visit being around $60, consider purchasing pet insurance to keep your monthly pet care cost predictable, avoiding surprising charges that come after emergency care. If you’d like to have your Toyger spayed or neutered, expect to pay as much as $400 for surgical procedures and follow-up care, with unexpected issues costing much more to resolve.
We love our cats, but few pet owners are completely prepared to handle all the care costs associated with a pet throughout its life. Even the healthiest feline can develop health issues as they age, resulting in additional care measures like medication and surgical procedures to improve their quality of life. Pet insurance is a predictable way to plan for the future care of your pet without having to worry about additional costs that you may or may not be able to cover.
Finding A Toyger Of Your Own
Acquiring a toy tiger of your very own does not entail heading down to your local animal shelter for a quick tour. Acquiring a Toyger is a significant investment, and you’ll need to do a bit of homework when deciding where and when to purchase.
Choosing A Breeder
The statement clearly outlines the responsibilities the breeder takes on to create a quality experience for both cat and buyer. A reputable breeder will consistently provide customers with high-quality, well-bred cats who have a guarantee of health. They’re able to abide by a particular code of ethics that prohibits sales to wholesalers and pet stores.
Choose a reputable breeder who has gone through the necessary certifications to screen out genetic health issues. If possible, kittens should be socialized and raised in a home around other animals and people. Those who are born and raised in isolation can become fearful, skittish, and find it difficult to socialize later in life.
Look For Flags
A quality breeder will have a professional website, and contact information will be complete and up to date. They will respond to phone calls and emails, following a certain standard of professional decorum when dealing with customers. Beware of those websites that state “kittens are always available” or “there are multiple litters on the premises”; you might end up overpaying for a standard housecat with premium markings. Above all, steer clear of websites that allow you to pay online with a credit card, “sight unseen,” for it’s anyone’s guess what you’ll be coming home with when you finally pick up your prize.
Ask For Veterinarian Recommendations
It might be difficult to slog through the vast number of cat breeders on the market to find those gems that deliver what they promise. Ask your vet for recommendations on reputable breeders, breed rescue organizations, and other sources where you can find healthy kittens for purchase or adoption. Be patient; it might take time to find the right kitten. Many quality breeders won’t release them to their anticipated new homes until they are at least 12 weeks of age. The waiting time is well worth the quality of a reputable breeder who has put time and effort into raising healthy, purebred cats.
Consider Adoption
Though it’s difficult to find a Toyger on adoption or shelter lists, many rescue websites and organizations dedicate time to finding homes for pedigreed and designer animals. Occasionally you might find an animal that has been displaced through death, divorce, or even natural disasters like floods and storms. If you acquire a Toyger through adoption, make sure to schedule a vet visit as soon as possible to rule out pre-existing health conditions that could cost you and your family more than you anticipated.
Reaping The Rewards Of Toyger Ownership
Taking on any animal as a member of the family is a commitment, but owning a Toyger can be fun and rewarding for the whole family. With their fiercely-loyal yet laid-back personalities, they’ll jump right into the family routine with every bit of grace, poise, and power as their jungle cousins.