How To Medicate Your Cat

Have you ever had to give your cat oral medication? Perhaps antibiotics for an upper respiratory infection, long-term medication, or a dewormer. If you have not, consider yourself blessed. However, at some point, “Muffins” will probably need some medication. Here are some tips and tricks to avoid making medication time a major hassle.

Have proper instructions

Before leaving the veterinarian’s office with medication, ask specific questions about the dose and if your cat needs to eat with the medication. Have the veterinarian or the technician show you how to administer the drug – give the first doses together.

Be confident!

Believe it or not, your cat can smell fear. Keep your mind in the game and not think negatively when it is time to finish the job.

Use treats if possible.

If your cat is food motivated, hide the medication in a treat or a pill pocket. You can also use canned food to make a meatball. If you choose this method, ensure that your cat eats the treat and that no other pets are around to steal it.

Properly “pilling” a cat.

If you are nervous about making sure your cat gets the full dose of medication, pilling them is the best option. Here is how to properly pill your cat:

Supplies needed:

Pill Gun: Before leaving the veterinary clinic, buy a pill popper or gun. This is an apparatus that every cat owner should have in their household. If you cannot buy one, simply cut off the hub of a syringe for a DIY pill gun.

A syringe of water:  When pilling your cat, you MUST chase it with at least 2mL of water to ensure your cat swallows the pill and it does not get stuck in their throat.

Towel or Blanket: To swaddle your cat if needed. See How to Safely Restrain Your Cat here on Cattitude Daily for more information.

Now that you have the needed supplies, here is how to do the job.

  1. First, place the pill in the pill gun and have the syringe ready.
  2. Hold your cat’s head like a baseball, placing your middle finger and thumb at their temples, and lift their head towards the ceiling. If needed, you can also scruff your cat.
  3. Start to wedge the pill gun through the corner of their mouth, enticing them to open their mouth.
  4. As soon as they open, pop the pill down the back of their throat or as far back in the mouth as possible and immediately chase the pill with the syringe of water. Speed will be the trick – the faster you can do this, the better for you and your cat.
how to pill a cat

Medicating your cat may not be the most fun activity to do with them, but sometimes it is necessary. Remember to give medication precisely as instructed by your veterinarian. If you feel pilling them is not an option, call to see if a liquid form is available.

If you found this helpful information, don’t forget to share it with other cat owners you know!





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